Asheville’s #1 Newborn Photographer shares pro tips for planning your Newborn Baby Boy Session in Asheville!

As a boy mama myself, I vividly remember the day that I learned that I was having a baby boy… just days before I had made the rookie mistake of allowing myself to venture into a baby boutique in Asheville only to discover that there were so many more precious newborn baby girl clothing options than there were for baby boys! Not that this discovery in any way diminished my excitement for the sweet baby growing inside of me (in the least) but I did find myself a little disappointed by the limited options available for baby boys! As a Newborn Photographer, naturally, I began researching prop options for my own Newborn Session and thought that other expectant boy mamas might find this post helpful when planning their Newborn Baby Boy Session!

Newborn Baby posed for Newborn Portraits during his Newborn Baby Boy Session in Asheville, NC.

Newborn Baby Boy Session – Color Pallets & Themes

I want to preface this next bit with the simple truth that: this is your baby’s Newborn Portrait Session and you can absolutely choose any color palette that appeals to your vision for these milestone images! With that being said, I do want to share some common color palettes that my clients often express interest in for their Newborn Baby Boy Sessions in Asheville!

A note about Neutrals:

Neutrals are always a timeless choice for your Newborn Portrait Sessions! The most common neutrals used in Newborn Photography are Tans, Creams, Whites and Grays. Most of the time, my clients choose neutrals for the main color palette with pops of other color tones incorporated into the set design such as blues, greens or browns for their Newborn Baby Boy Session!

Infant posed for Newborn Portrait Session in Asheville, NC.
Newborn Baby Boy Session Color Palette Inspiration

Baby posed for Newborn Photos in Asheville, NC.
Infant posed for Newborn Photos in Asheville.

A note about Themes:

Another popular option for Newborn Portraits is choosing a theme for your sessions’ set design. Having photographed Newborn Babies professionally for the last fifteen years, I’ve had clients choose all kinds of themes over the years! You can derive inspiration for theme from anything including but certainly not limited to: your baby’s birth month or season, the theme for their nursery design, a play on their name, parents’ professions, sports, music or movies that you hope to share with them one day, etc. The possibilities are truly limitless for this and it always feels like such an exciting challenge when I am asked to create a themed Newborn Portrait for my clients! If you’re thinking that you might like to go with a theme, I would recommend keeping it to no more than one or two themed images at most! After all, the goal here is for these images to become timeless, milestone portraits that will adorn your home forever! While it may be very cute, will you always keep that star wars newborn portrait framed and on display in your home? Maybe, but more the far more likely outcome is that you will be more inclined to always display the more timeless, simple, neutral or natural images of your infant!

Star Wars themed Newborn Photos in Asheville, NC.
Recently, a father asked me to create a Star Wars themed Newborn Portrait for his baby and I adore how this image turned out!

When should we book our baby’s Newborn Portrait Session?

At Asheville Portrait Company, we value family & try really hard to prioritize having a Healthy Work / Life Balance. We believe that it directly affects our attitude, energy, creativity and ultimately our success!
As such, we can only take on 5 Newborn Portrait Session Bookings each month. We encourage you to book you session as far in advance as possible to ensure availability for your baby!

What’s Next?

All that is required to reserve your Newborn Session on my shoot calendar is a $400 Creative Fee & a Signed Portrait Session Contract. After that, I’ll put your due date on my shoot calendar as a tentative place holder & we’ll go ahead and schedule your Pre-Session Phone Consultation to chat about your session, to plan for it in terms of theme, color pallet, props needed, etc. You will just reach out to let me know once baby arrives & we’ll get you into the studio the following week!

Do we need to bring Newborn Props?

Nope! I have a giant catalog of Newborn props for use! I have shelves full of bowls, baskets, boxes, buckets and baby beds! I have wraps in every color imaginable, a whole rack of knit hats, sleepy caps, headbands, crowns and bows from artisans on Etsy!
AND each of my Newborn Sessions is completely custom!
 During your pre-session phone consultation, we’ll chat about theme and color pallet and I will order anything that’s needed to make your newborn photo dreams come true! 

Baby posed for infant photos in Asheville, NC.

Ready to get started?

You can learn more about Newborn Portrait Sessions at Asheville Portrait Company on my website including portfolio, process and pricing information! Please reach out via the contact form if you would like to inquire about scheduling your baby’s Newborn Photoshoot!

Newborn Photography Portfolio & Information

Baby posed for infant photos in Asheville, NC.

Newborn Photography

Newborn Baby Boy Session
